Program Chairs: Anne Lidor, MD and Michael Ujiki, MD
Oral & Video Sessions will take place throughout the Meeting.
Released: March 12, 2025
Expiration Date: December 15, 2025
You will have until January 16, 2026 to claim CME for the amount of education you complete by December 15, 2025. If applicable, your credits will be reported to the American Board of Surgery.
Accreditation and Designation Statement
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide Continuing Medical Education for physicians.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) designates this other [live and enduring] activity for a maximum of 136.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
American Board of Surgery (ABS) Continuous Certification Program
Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME and Self-Assessment requirements of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is SAGES’ responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.
The general objectives of this meeting are for its attendees to: acquire and apply new knowledge and skills, describe new techniques, and strengthen surgical acumen on the represented SAGES pathways (bariatric, foregut, hernia, colorectal, hepatobiliary, acute care surgery, leadership, innovation, and education).
Keys: Bariatric, Hernia, Colorectal, Foregut, HPB, Acute Care, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery, AI/Technology, Sustainability, Training/Education, DEI, Pediatrics, ICG
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Video Reels Lounge
Promenade 103B
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM: SAGES Military Surgical Symposium, Part 1
Session Chairs: Mary O’Donnell & Andrew Eppstein & Tamara Worlton
Grand Ballroom B
The past, present, and future of military healthcare on the battlefield and in our military treatment facilities will be on full display at the 2025 SAGES Military Surgical Symposium. Research incorporating novel techniques for battlefield medicine, quality improvement programs, simulation and education of future military surgeons will be presented. The session seeks to continue to improve the surgical care for our military service members, beneficiaries, retirees, and Veterans. The session will further provide expert knowledge on lessons learned from the war in Ukraine to better prepare for future conflicts. An engaging session from 2024, we will revisit the latest advances in space medicine and explore how innovations in this field can be applied to enhance military medical capabilities. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain invaluable insights into both terrestrial and extraterrestrial medical challenges facing military professionals. Our guest speaker is not to be missed: retired 4-star GEN Austin Scott
Miller, former Delta force U.S. Army and final commander of NATO`s Operation Resolute Support and US Forces in Afghanistan speaks on a military career.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Maintain clinical currency for military surgeons-in-training, attendings, and international military physicians.
- Prepare for future military conflicts through lessons learned from high-level military leader speakers and presenters from Ukraine.
- Uncover the latest advancements in space medicine and their potential to revolutionize military medical capabilities.
8:00 AM – Introductions
8:10 AM – Research Presentations
9:30 AM – Break
9:45 AM – Research Presentations
11:15 AM – ACS Excelsior Surgery Society – Update from the ACS Governor
11:30 AM – Awards
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Keynote Address
1:40 PM – Questions/Discussion
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Scientific Sessions
SS01: Bariatric Oral Session I – Exhibit Hall A
SS02: Foregut Spotlight Session I – Promenade 104BC
SS03: Complex Hernia Session – Promenade 102 ABC
SS04: Colorectal Surgery Techniques Session I – Promenade 101AB
SS05: Biliary Video Session – Promenade 104A
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Morning Break
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Devil`s in the Details: Technical Considerations in Bariatric Surgery
Bariatrics, Flexible Endoscopy, Pediatrics, DEI
Session Chairs: Woody Denham & Marina Kurian
Exhibit Hall A
This session is designed to highlight technical details in bariatric operations. It is directed toward all levels of surgeons.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand technical details in bariatric operations.
- Describe techniques or the treatment of bile reflux following sleeve / SADI / OAGB.
- Recognize advocacy opportunities in bariatric insurance.
10:00 AM – Suture Patterns in Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
10:15 AM – Limb Length in OAGB / RYGB / SADI
10:30 AM – Duodenal Dissection in SADI
10:45 AM – Nuances of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
11:00 AM – Surgical Treatment of Bile Reflux Following Sleeve / SADI / OAGB
11:15 AM – Bariatric Insurance Coverage
11:30 AM – Is More Surgery Better or Start with a Small Procedure in Pediatric Patients
11:45 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Foregut Masters: Video Session – Reoperative Foregut Surgery
Session Chairs: Ruchir Puri & Anna Ibele
Bariatrics, Foregut, General Surgery, Training/Education
Promenade 104BC
The session is designed to assist foregut surgeons with critical intraoperative decision making related to reoperative foregut surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the basic operative tenets of reparative foregut surgery.
- Employ safe strategies to anticipate and avoid complications of reoperative foregut surgery.
- Employ new surgical decision making strategies for dealing with third and fourth time preoperative foregut surgery.
- Learn strategies for optimal coding and reimbursement for complex reoperative foregut cases.
10:00 AM – Introduction
10:02 AM – Basic Tenets of Re-operative Foregut Surgery
10:14 AM – Identifying and Dealing with Mesh at the Hiatus
10:26 AM – Intraoperative Management of Esophageal and Gastric Injuries
10:38 AM – What Do I Do with a Short Esophagus?
10:50 AM – Addressing the Reoperative Hiatus in a Patient with a History of Sleeve, Bypass, or SADI
11:02 AM – Redo Heller After Prior Myotomy
11:14 AM – Operative Considerations and Approach to the Third- and Fourth-Time Redo
11:26 AM – Q&A
11:56 AM – Closing Remarks
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: How I Do It: Uncommon Scenarios in Abdominal Wall Surgery
Session Chairs: Jeffrey Blatnik & Ivy Haskins
Promenade 102ABC
This session is designed to help surgeons gain experience in scenarios that may not be frequently encountered in the care of abdominal wall surgery. Relying on experts to help guide the audience through managing complex types of abdominal wall problems including: off midline hernias, flank and lumbar hernias, infected mesh removal and staging hernia repair.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Illustrate management options for uncommon types of hernias that can be encountered.
- Identify what patients would benefit from single stage hernia repair at the time of other gastrointestinal surgery.
- Help surgeons plan for management of the abdominal wall at the time of infected mesh removal.
10:00 AM – How Did You Get a Hernia There? Management of Subcostal and Subxiphoid Hernias
10:12 AM – What am I Supposed to Sew the Mesh to? How Best to Repair Flank and Lumbar Hernias
10:24 AM – Now What Am I Supposed to Do? Management of the Abdominal Wall After Removal of Infected Mesh
10:36 AM – To Stage or Not to Stage… When is It Appropriate to Proceed with Single Stage Hernia Repair at the Time of Other E Matthew Ritter Procedures
10:48 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Colorectal Masters: Left Colectomy – Keys and Tricks to Perfecting a Common Operation
Session Chairs: Deborah Nagle & John Marks
Colorectal, Robotics
Promenade 101AB
Left-sided colectomy in all its forms, both minimally invasive and open, in a common colorectal operation. This session will present the surgeon with an in-depth, organized approach for the performance of the procedure. The critical anatomy, procedure organization and danger areas will be described along with optimal approaches for anastomosis and wound extraction. This session is designed to promote surgeon facility and mastery of the operations by focusing on key steps, technical pearls and potential pitfalls.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Formulate a reproducible approach to performing a left colectomy in an efficient, safe manner.
- Assess different approaches to performing a colorectal anastomosis and choose the safest approach for the individual surgeon.
- Identify the critical anatomy and danger areas in the performance of a minimally invasive left colectomy.
10:00 AM – Welcome and Introduction to Session
10:05 AM – What is Left colectomy vs Anterior Resection or Low Anterior Resection? Indications and Frequency
10:17 AM – Efficient Strategies and Tools for a Complex Operation with MIS
10:29 AM – Left Colon Mobilization and Splenic Flexure Release: Rationale, Approaches and Critical Anatomy
10:41 AM – Positioning of Small Bowel: Under-recognized Key to the Procedure
10:53 AM – IMA and IMV: Keys to Anatomy and Dissection
11:05 AM – Rectal Dissection and Division: Critical Aspects to Consider
11:17 AM – Anastomoses: Essential Elements and Intra-corporeal and Extra-corporeal Options
11:29 AM – Specimen Extraction Options: Where to Go? Abdominal Wall and Natural Orifices
11:41 AM – Panel Discussion/Q&A
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Bots vs Sticks: HPB Robot and Laparoscopic Techniques – Show Me the Data!
Session Chairs: Shiva Jayaraman & Melissa Hogg
Promenade 104A
This session will be a high-level review of the evidence supporting the use of laparoscopy or robotics for surgery of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The format of the session will be debate-style and there will be great video demonstrations as well.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the relative advantages of laparoscopy or robotics for surgery of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.
- Understand the data in favor of, or refuting, the benefits of laparoscopy or robotics for surgery of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.
10:00 AM – Robot, Why Bother? Laparoscopic Liver Surgery is the Way to Go
10:08 AM – You Mean a Human Drives the Camera? Robotic Liver Surgery is the Best!
10:16 AM – Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy Remains Supreme
10:24 AM – Robotic Pancreatectomy Has Taken Over
10:32 AM – You Mean You Need a Robot to Do a Chole? Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is Still the Gold Standard
10:40 AM – Attention Haters: Robotic Cholecystectomy is Best
10:48 AM – Q&A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: SAGES/EHS: Strategies for Preventing Abdominal Wall Hernias
Session Chairs: William Hope & Eva Deerenberg
Hernia, Colorectal, Acute Care, General Surgery, Training/Education
Promenade 102ABC
This session will review strategies to prevent incisional and parastomal hernias and offer evidence-based recommendations for placement of incisions for open and minimally invasive surgeries as well as closure strategies. It also will review recent guidelines related to hernia prevention and topics pertinent to minimally invasive surgeons such as port site, extraction site and parastomal hernias.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Articulate strategies to prevent incisional hernias incision including location of incisions and techniques of closure.
- Illustrate best practices for creation of stomas and indications for mesh prophylaxis to prevent parastomal hernias.
- Compare different methods and techniques for minimally invasive access and strategies to prevent port site hernias.
11:00 AM – Incisional Hernia Prevention: From Incisions to Closure
11:15 AM – Port Site Hernia Prevention: Tips and Tricks
11:30 AM – Parastomal Hernia Prevention: Stoma Creation and Prophylactic Mesh
11:45 AM – Q&A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: SAGES/AHPBA Devil`s in the Details: Whipple
Session Chairs: Susanne Warner & Mihir Shah
Promenade 104A
The Whipple. We all know the steps, we all know the risks, but we don`t all get through the case the same way. Come learn from experts who have honed their skills as high-volume pancreas surgeons to optimize their minimally invasive Whipple techniques. Attendees will leave the session with actionable knowledge that can enhance efficiency and safety in performance of a Whipple procedure. Anybody who currently performs complex abdominal operations will benefit from the tips, tricks, and lessons learned in this session.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe key perioperative anatomic considerations of uncinate dissection and have tips for troubleshooting when bleeding occurs.
- Understand where they are on their learning curve in relationship to available data and how to safely initiate a robotic Whipple program in a maximally invasive environment.
- Optimize their console efficiency for complex robotic pancreas surgery.
11:00 AM – Anatomic Considerations of Uncinate Dissection
11:15 AM – Lessons from the Learning Curve: Guide for New Programs in Robotic Pancreas Surgery
11:30 AM – Decreasing Console Time – Tips and Tricks for Maximized Robotic Efficiency
11:45 AM – Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: SAGES Foundation Awards Luncheon
Grand Ballroom A
This annual ticketed event celebrates and honors distinguished leaders in minimally invasive surgery. Proceeds benefit the SAGES Foundation and its mission to advance endoscopic, laparoscopic, and emerging minimal access surgical methods and patient care. The 2025 Awards Luncheon features awards and research grants presented to outstanding surgeons and educators for their work in minimally invasive surgery and raises funds to keep patient safety and surgical innovation in the forefront.
Tickets, tables and sponsorship – Please visit the Foundation website to purchase tickets, tables, ads or to become a sponsor:
1:30 PM – 5:00 PM: ADOPT Hands-on Course: Laparoscopic/Robotic Common Bile Duct Exploration and Imaging
Session Chairs: B. Fernando Santos & Eleah Porter
Exhibit Hall BC Hands-on Lab
Cholecystectomy in the modern era is an operation that is common in practice, frequently underestimated, and which remains plagued by the problems of bile duct injuries and common bile duct stones. This recognition has led to the development of safe cholecystectomy principles which include not only a safe dissection, but also liberal use of biliary imaging and management of common bile duct stones to optimize patient safety and outcomes. This course is designed for surgeons who already perform cholecystectomy and who wish to either improve or adopt safe cholecystectomy, intraoperative biliary imaging, and common duct exploration skills through a hands-on, mentored approach.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Perform and accurately interpret biliary imaging techniques of intraoperative ultrasound, fluorescence and conventional cholangiography, and choledochoscopy
- Employ safe and new strategies to treat the difficult gallbladder and common bile duct stone disease in patients with a gallbladder.
- Create a framework for implementing common bile duct explorations at your hospital with multidisciplinary input and safe bail out strategies.
Lab Instructors: Carl Westcott, Iswanto Sucandy, Ezra Teitelbaum, Eric Knauer, Edward Jones, Shaina Eckhouse, Maggie Bosley, Mackenzie Landin, Jennifer Moffett
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Getting Out of Trouble During Bariatric Surgery
Session Chairs: Scott Schimpke & Jessica Zaman
Bariatrics, Flexible Endoscopy, Pediatrics
Exhibit Hall A
This session will cover bariatric complications and showcase minimally invasive techniques for managing them.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Discuss common complications of bariatric surgery.
- Highlight minimally invasive approaches to managing complications that can optimize patient outcomes.
- Investigate emerging technologies that can be employed.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:35 PM – Endoscopic Management of Leaks
1:45 PM – GDA Bleeding During a SADI
1:55 PM – The OG Tube Won`t Come Out: Stapling Across a Foreign Body
2:05 PM – The Dilemma of the Recurrent/Refractor Marginal Ulcer
2:15 PM – Getting Out of Trouble During Adolescent Bariatrics
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Devil`s in the Details: MIS Esophagectomy
Session Chairs: Alia Qureshi & Kyle Perry & Edward Borrazzo
Promenade 104BC
Experts in the field of esophageal surgery will highlight the technical details of the different approaches: Ivor-Lewis, Transhiatal and McKeown to minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE). Practicing surgeons currently doing or planning on doing MIEs will benefit from this session to glean insights into the multi-step components and challenges of this procedure.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize and prepare for the technical aspects of the 3 most popular approaches to MIE.
- Evaluate the merits of each of the 3 above approaches to MIE as pertains to their patient within a clinical context.
- Identify the importance of oncologic principles of MIE – regardless of approach.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:33 PM – Surgeon as the Patient Advocate: It`s All About the Patient
1:43 PM – My Perspective on MIE and the Transhiatal Approach
1:53 PM – My Perspective on MIE and the Ivor-Lewis Approach
2:03 PM – My Perspective on MIE and the McKeown Approach
2:13 PM – Lap vs Robotic: The Advantages, the Challenges and the Opportunity Defined
2:23 PM – Oncologic Principles of MIE, Regardless of Approach
2:33 PM – Audience Poll
2:40 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: $*&#…….Now What?: Emergency Management of Hernias
Session Chairs: Jacob Greenberg & Jennifer Schwartz
Hernia, Acute Care
Promenade 102ABC
In this session, we will review options for management of inguinal and ventral hernias in emergent settings. The session will include use of operative video, case presentations, and expert opinion/experience to help guide management of these complex patients.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe options for management of hernias in contaminated and dirty settings.
- Convey new strategies to manage hernias concomitantly with other surgical emergencies.
- Compare different mesh products for the emergent repair of hernias.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:35 PM – Mesh Selection in Emergent Hernia Repair: What`s the Data?
1:45 PM – Management of Inguinal/Femoral Hernias with Strangulation
1:55 PM – Emergent Repair of Ventral Hernias in a Contaminated Setting
2:05 PM – I`ve Never Seen That Before! – Management of Uncommon Emergent Hernias
2:15 PM – Emergent Hernia Repairs in the Non-Optimized Patient
2:25 PM – I Immediately Regret This Decision! – What I Would Do Differently Next Time
2:35 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Colorectal Emergencies
Session Chairs: Laila Rashidi & Syed Husain & Caroline Reinke
Colorectal, Acute Care, General Surgery, AI/Technology
Promenade 101AB
The use of Minimally Invasive surgery is increasing among surgeons for emergent colorectal cases. The management continues to evolve with changes in technology, and operative management of these patients . Laparoscopy and robotics are tools for minimally invasive surgery and this program will describe current state and the approach to emergent colorectal scenarios.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe Key surgical approaches for malignant and benign large bowel obstruction.
- Describe the set up, port placement for robotic and laparoscopic colorectal emergencies.
- Management of parastomal hernia with obstruction.
- Management of emergent complex Crohn`s in different scenarios.
1:30 PM – Management of Malignant Large Bowel Obstruction
1:42 PM – Perforated Colon – What Should I Do in the OR?
1:54 PM – IBD Emergencies
2:06 PM – Surgical Management of Bowel Obstruction
2:18 PM – Tips and Tricks of Emergent Stoma Creation in Challenging Patients
2:30 PM – Emergent Parastomal Hernia Repair
2:42 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Getting Out of Trouble During HPB Surgery
Session Chairs: Subhashini Ayloo & Erin Gilbert
Promenade 104A
Performing complex HPB operations in an era of evolving surgical technologies in challenging patients necessitates learning from shared experiences of surgical complications. This didactic session is intended to educate surgeons about how to get about unexpected intraoperative complications
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Convey surgeons engaged in HPB surgery for potential unique intraoperative complications.
- Prepare surgeons engaged in HPB surgery for possible intraoperative techniques that could be engaged when encountered with unique intraoperative complications.
- Identify situations in which there is a high risk of bile duct injury and how to address it safely with best possible outcomes.
1:30 PM – Introduction to Getting Out of Trouble During HPB Surgery
1:39 PM – Inadvertent Intraoperative Complications During Ablation
1:54 PM – Massive Bleeding During Hepatectomy
2:09 PM – Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injury
2:24 PM – Impacted Biliary Stone
2:39 PM – Q&A
2:30 PM – 5:00 PM: SAGES Military Surgical Symposium Part 2: From Earth to Moon to Mars (non-CME)
Session Chairs: Mary O`Donnell & Andrew Eppstein & Tamara Worlton
Grand Ballroom B
The past, present, and future of military healthcare on the battlefield and in our military treatment facilities will be on full display at the 2025 SAGES Military Surgical Symposium. Research incorporating novel techniques for battlefield medicine, quality improvement programs, simulation and education of future military surgeons will be presented. The session seeks to continue to improve the surgical care for our military service members, beneficiaries, retirees, and Veterans. The session will further provide expert knowledge on lessons learned from the war in Ukraine to better prepare for future conflicts. An engaging session from 2024, we will revisit the latest advances in space medicine and explore how innovations in this field can be applied to enhance military medical capabilities. Don`t miss this unique opportunity to gain invaluable insights into both terrestrial and extraterrestrial medical challenges facing military professionals. Our guest speaker is not to be missed: retired 4-star GEN Austin `Scott` Miller, former Delta force U.S. Army and final commander of NATO`s Operation Resolute Support and US Forces in Afghanistan speaks on a military career.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Maintain clinical currency for military surgeons-in-training, attendings, and international military physicians.
- Prepare for future military conflicts through lessons learned from high-level military leader speakers and presenters from Ukraine.
- Uncover the latest advancements in space medicine and their potential to revolutionize military medical capabilities.
2:30 PM – Introduction & Goals
2:45 PM – Achieving Earth Independent Medical Operations
3:00 PM – Paving the Way to Mars
3:15 PM – TATRC – Advances in Telesurgery
3:30 PM – Is Telerobotic Surgery Development ARPA-H Hard?
3:45 PM – Education & Training
4:00 PM – Critical Care Transport
4:15 PM – Artificial Gravity Space Stations
4:30 PM – “Bringing it Home” Panel Discussion: The Role of SAGES in the Space Surgery Mission
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Afternoon Break
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Endoscopic Bariatric Innovations as an Alternative to Gastric Bypass
Session Chairs: Brian Davis & Allison Schulman & Brandon VanderWel
Bariatrics, Flexible Endoscopy
Exhibit Hall A
Endoscopic innovations achieve sustainable weight-loss that make them an effective alternative to gastric bypass. Interventions include endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, restrictive implants, and procedures that affect nutrient absorption. Perceived benefits and risk reductions make these attractive options as a bridge to surgery and alternative to surgery. Critical advocacy issues remain in these procedures and have no billing codes under current Medicare rulings. This session is intended for bariatric surgeons, endoscopists and gastroenterologists with special interest in weight-loss inducing procedures.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Delineate current challenges to funding and reimbursement for endoscopic bariatric procedures and directed goals for advocacy.
- Discuss training pathways and the learning curve for effective endoscopic bariatric procedures to ensure quality outcomes.
- Evaluate long-term revisional surgical strategy for endoscopic bariatric therapies.
3:30 PM – Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
3:40 PM – Endoscopic Deployed Space Occupying Devices as a Restrictive Alternative to Bypass
3:50 PM – Endoscopic Deployment of Duodeno-Jejunal Bypass Liners
4:00 PM – Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing: Evaluation as a Metabolic and Weight Loss Therapy
4:10 PM – Endoscopic Magnetic Anastomoses Utilization for a Malabsorptive Procedure
4:20 PM – Endoscopic Revision of Sleeve Gastrectomy: An Effective Therapy for Weight Loss and GERD?
4:30 PM – Advocacy for Reimbursement for Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures
4:40 PM – Panel Discussion On Endoscopic Alternatives to Bypass
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Esophageal Motility Disorders: All Things Foregut Physiology
Session Chairs: Amber Shada & Rob Catania
AI/Technology, Training/Education
Promenade 104BC
This session will provide an essential guide on what every foregut surgeon needs to know about esophageal motility before offering patients esophagogastric surgery. You will leave understanding how to interpret manometry to inform your surgical decision making, and will gain knowledge about the implications of motility disorders on foregut surgical outcomes. Please note: this session is focused on non-achalasia motility disorders.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Interpret manometry and adjunct esophageal testing results to guide surgical decision making.
- Recognize the implication of esophageal motility disorders on foregut surgery outcomes.
- Recognize the utility of non-surgical pharmacologic options for esophageal motility disorders.
3:30 PM – Manometry Interpretation for Surgeons
3:42 PM – Q&A
3:45 PM – Understanding the Chicago Classification
3:57 PM – Q&A
4:00 PM – Pharmacology and Esophageal Dysmotility
4:12 PM – Q&A
4:15 PM – Esophageal Motility Adjunct Tests and How to Use Them
4:27 PM – Q&A
4:30 PM – Surgical Considerations for Esophageal Dysmotility
4:42 PM – Q&A
4:45 PM – Panel Discussion
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: AI: Demos on How to Use It and Make It Work for You
Session Chairs: Danielle Walsh & Ellen Morrow
General Surgery, AI/Technology, Training/Education
Promenade 102ABC
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools for enhancing the surgeon`s personal life and professional practice are rapidly expanding, However, learning to safely adopt and use these tools takes time and effort. This session will use live demonstration to show how to access and implement several artificial intelligence tools that may prove beneficial to surgeons. This session will also discuss introducing AI into your workplace and a look at the future of surgical AI.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Demonstrate how to use a variety of AI tools for personal and professional productivity.
- Convey how AI tools can improve your operative technique and skill.
- Evaluate best practices for implementing AI tools into your practice.
3:30 PM – Introduction – How AI Can Benefit You!
3:35 PM – Chatbots in Scrubs – Using Large Language Models
3:46 PM – A Surgical Sidekick – AI for Clinical Decisions
3:58 PM – Tech-Savvy for Business and Life
4:09 PM – Smart Scalpel: AI in the OR to Improve Performance
4:20 PM – Smart and Safe: Bringing AI Onboard
4:31 PM – An Eye to the Future: What’s Coming Next in AI
4:35 PM – Q&A
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: The Dark Side of the Moon – Expanding Indications for MIS in Complex Colorectal Surgery
Session Chairs: Richard Garfinkle & Marylise Boutros
Promenade 101AB
This mixed didactic and video-based session will evaluate the role of minimally invasive surgery in several complex colorectal surgery scenarios. Surgeons who are looking to safely increase the application of minimally invasive surgery in their colorectal surgery practice will enjoy hearing from an expert panel of MIS Colorectal Surgeons who will share their experience with various challenging disease processes.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Learn about some of the current controversies in complex colorectal surgery.
- Employ new minimally-invasive techniques for challenging disease processes.
- Understand when an MIS approach is (or is not) safe and feasible in technically complex cases.
3:30 PM – Introduction
3:32 PM – Ileocolic Crohn`s Disease: The Difficult Mesentery, Type of Anastomosis, and More
3:47 PM – How Low Can You Go: Approaching Low Presacral Lesions Trans-Abdominally
4:02 PM – MIS Multivisceral Resections for Colorectal Cancer: Are We Compromising Oncologic Outcomes?
4:17 PM – Anastomotic Complications: Strategies for MIS and Transanal Salvage
4:32 PM – Controversies in Transanal Endoscopic Surgery: Rectal Megapolyps, Early Cancers, and Incomplete Responders
4:47 PM – Q&A
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Things I Wish I Knew When Starting My Surgical Practice (non CME)
Session Chairs: John Romanelli & Caitlin Halbert
AI/Technology, Training/Education, General Surgery
Grand Ballroom A
This session is designed for young surgeons or trainees nearing the start of their career. The diverse panel of speakers will discuss a broad range of topics, from knowing when a job is a bad fit, to navigating hospital politics, to work/life balance, to basics of practice finance, and leadership opportunities. The hope is that the panel can pass on wisdom gained from their experience to aid young surgeons in decision making and career development.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Prepare for and develop skills to elevate one`s career in surgery.
- Prioritize professional and personal needs and wants while optimizing clinical care.
- Recognize the complexities and challenges of a surgical career.
3:30 PM – When the First Job isn`t the Right Job
3:40 PM – How to Get What You Need in the OR
3:50 PM – How to Work Smarter, Not Harder: Integrating AI and Other Tips and Tricks
4:00 PM – `Balancing` Clinical Work: How to Prioritize Personal, Societal, and Other Life Experiences
4:10 PM – How to Maneuver Through Hospital Politics to Get What You Need
4:20 PM – Advocacy for You and Your Patients
4:30 PM – Leadership Opportunities: When and How?
4:40 PM – Panel Discussion/Q&A
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Scientific Session
SS06: You Know You Love the Gallbladder Oral Session – Promenade 104A
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Opening Session & Welcome Ceremony
Exhibit Hall A
We encourage everyone to attend the opening session and welcome ceremony where the highlights for the conference and SAGES updates will be presented.
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM: Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Exhibit Hall BC
Complimentary to all paid registrants and guests.
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Video Reel Lounge
Promenade 103B
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: ADOPT Hands-on Course: Endosuturing
Session Chairs: Micaela Esquivel & Roberto Simons-Linares
Hands-On Lab
Exhibit Hall BC Hands-on Lab
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Scientific Sessions
SS07: Bariatric Spotlight Session I – Exhibit Hall A
SS08: Foregut Oral Session I – Promenade104BC
SS09: Hernia Periop Spotlight Session – Promenade 102ABC
SS10: Colorectal Diverticulitis/IBS Session – Promenade 101AB
SS11: Liver / Pancreas Session I – Promenade 104A
SS12: Global Surgery Session – Grand Ballroom B
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: How to Get New Technology Into Your Hospital (non CME)
Session Chairs: Don Selzer & Gina Adrales
AI/Technology, Training/Education
Grand Ballroom A
With the recent demand for robotic surgical platforms and the emerging role of intraoperative imaging aids and artificial intelligence, introduction of new technology is an exciting element of everyday surgical practice. Ever wonder how a surgeon can bring a new procedure or device seen in use on the SAGES Exhibit Hall floor to an operating room at the local hospital? This session will enlist the expertise of industry partners, leadership of major healthcare institutions, and surgeons experienced in business plans, credentialing, and billing to guide surgeons through the process.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Formulate a plan to introduce new technology to the operating room.
- Articulate best practices regarding privileging and credentialing on new technology use in the operating room.
- Recognize the current coding and billing guidelines` impact on introduction of new technology to the operating room.
8:00 AM – What Industry Partners Can Offer
8:08 AM – What Hospital Administrators Expect
8:16 AM – You, the Surgeon, Building a Case for New Technology
8:24 AM – Expectations of Medical Staff: Skill Acquisition, Privileging, and Credentialing
8:32 AM – Coding, Billing, and Compensation
8:40 AM – Q&A
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Gerald Marks Lecture – Sustainable AI and the Next Wave of AI Ethics for Healthcare
Aimee van Wynsberghe
Exhibit Hall A
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM:
Exhibit Hall and Education and Innovation Center Open
Exhibit Hall BC
10:00 – 12:00 PM: Optimizing Outcomes in Bariatric Surgery
Session Chairs: Annie Ehlers & Philip Omotosho
Bariatrics, Pediatrics, DEI
Exhibit Hall A
In this session, participants will learn about critical non-operative factors to consider when treating persons undergoing bariatric surgery. In addition to review of common scenarios in bariatric surgery (e.g., controversies in VTE prophylaxis, role of mental health), we will discuss use of pharmacotherapy, bariatric surgery in adolescents, and the role of revisional bariatric surgery to optimize outcomes. This session is appropriate for SAGES members of all levels.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Implement expanded criteria for bariatric surgery based on revised guidelines.
- Recognize the necessary evaluation and counseling for females of childbearing age considering bariatric surgery.
- Select appropriate patients with high-risk features (e.g., cirrhosis) for bariatric surgery.
- Describe indications for adjunctive therapy (e.g., pharmacotherapy, revisional surgery) for persons with insufficient weight loss.
10:00 AM – Expanding Access to Bariatric Surgery: What Have We Learned Since 1991?
10:10 AM – Will My Patient Succeed? Use of Calculators and Predictive Algorithms for Bariatric Surgery
10:20 AM – Mental Health Evaluations Before Bariatric Surgery: Are We Just Checking the Box?
10:30 AM – Weight Loss Medications and Bariatric Surgery: Mutually Exclusive or Synergistic?
10:40 AM – Controversies in VTE Prophylaxis: Which Patients, for How Long, and Why
10:50 AM – Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Indications and Outcomes
11:00 AM – Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents
11:10 AM – Pregnancy and Maternal-Fetal Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery
11:20 AM – Bariatric Surgery in High-Risk Patients
11:30 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: SAGES/AFS: State of the Art Treatment for Foregut Disease
Session Chairs: Caitlin Houghton & Leena Khaitan
Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery
Promenade 104BC
Come to this session to learn the latest techniques and newest technologies revolutionizing treatment strategies for patients with foregut diseases. Learn about state of the art technologies for GERD treatment, hernia recurrence, anti-reflux procedures, endoscopic solutions and more! If you are on the cutting edge of foregut surgery, this session is a must attend.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Introduce novel treatment strategies for foregut diseases and conditions.
- Demonstrate how innovation is changing treatment patterns for foregut diseases and conditions.
- Predict the future direction of foregut treatment algorithms.
10:00 AM – Introduction
10:05 AM – Diagnosis of GERD and Predicting Success
10:20 AM – Will Impedance Planimetry and Robots Guide the Future of Foregut Surgery?
10:35 AM – Preventing Diaphragmatic Hernia Recurrence
10:50 AM – GERD Treatments on the Horizon
11:05 AM – Endoscopic Solutions for Foregut Dilemmas
11:20 AM – Is There Still a Place for Surgical Myotomy? Looking into the Future of Achalasia Management
11:35 AM – Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Hernia Masters: Managing Complex Hernias
Session Chairs: Rebecca Petersen & Garth Jacobsen
Hernia, Acute Care, Robotics
Promenade 102ABC
This session will explore challenging clinical scenarios in complex abdominal wall surgery, focusing on shared decision-making with patients. We will discuss various repair approaches and techniques, along with valuable intraoperative insights and common pitfalls specific to atypical and complex hernias.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Enhance understanding of effective decision-making strategies for the management of complex abdominal wall hernia repair.
- Learn various operative approaches and techniques for repair of complex hernias in challenging clinical scenarios.
10:00 AM – Loss-of-Domain: Exploring Your Options
10:12 AM – Now What?! Tackling Recurrence after Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
10:24 AM – Unleashing Solutions: Strategies for Managing Mesh Infections and Enterocutaneous Fistulas
10:36 AM – Partnering for Success: Patient-Centered Decision-Making in Complex Hernia Repair
10:48 AM – Panel Discussion
11:00 AM – The Perfect Parastomal Hernia Repair: Pearls & Pitfalls
11:12 AM – Flank Hernias: Exploring Repair Options
11:24 AM – Navigating Strategies for Urgent Hernia Repair in the Morbidly Obese Patient
11:36 AM – Another On-Call Adventure: Perforated Bowel and Hernia Repair
11:48 AM – Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Management of Rectal Tumors: Open, MIS and Endoscopic Approaches
Session Chairs: Matthew Albert & Monika Krezalek & Emre Gorgun
Colorectal, Acute Care, Flexible Endoscopy, Training/Education, DEI
Promenade 101AB
Colorectal experts will discuss best practices, treatment updates, and technical aspects of rectal cancer care.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe indications and technical pearls for local excision of early rectal cancer.
- Describe various treatment modalities for locally advanced rectal cancer and what treatment to choose based on latest data.
- Identify best practices for programs seeking NAPRC accreditation.
10:00 AM – Introduction: Early Rectal Cancer
10:01 AM – Maximizing Local Excision with Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy
10:13 AM – Endoscopic and MRI Predictors of Malignant Polyps
10:25 AM – ESD/TAE/TEM/ TAMIS/ Robotic TAMIS/Robot sp TAMIS… Which One??
10:37 AM – Q&A
10:42 AM – Assessing Treatment Response Following TNT: How I Do It
10:54 AM – Pelvic Recurrence – Now What?
11:06 AM – Anastomotic Salvage Following Failed LAR, Options for Leaks/Strictures and Sinuses
11:18 AM – Q&A
11:23 AM – Predicting Rectal Cancer Recurrence with ctDNA
11:35 AM – What I Learned from NAPRC Accreditation Process
11:45 AM – Improving Rectal Cancer Outcomes in the Geriatric Population
11:57 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Safe Chole: Subtotal and Bile Duct Injury Common Mistakes
Session Chairs: Adnan Alseidi & Alice Wei
HPB, Acute Care, General Surgery
Promenade 104A
In this session, we will focus on the difficult gallbladder, imaging, Subtotal cholecystectomy, Bail out procedures and more. Then we will focus on the bile ducts: imaging, Mirrizi syndrome, Bile duct injury management and repair and more. This content will be applicable to any acute care, general surgeon or HPB surgeon.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe inductions and steps for a subtotal cholecystectomy.
- Employ new strategies for bail out procedures for hostile cholecystitis and understand the principles of biliary imaging.
- Describe and recognize best practices in management of Bile duct involvement, bile duct injury, and use of drains and stents.
10:00 AM – SAGES Principles of Safe Cholecystectomy
10:08 AM – What is and What is NOT a Subtotal Cholecystectomy
10:16 AM – Bail Out Procedures: The What, the When, and the How?
10:24 AM – Converting to Hand-assisted and/or Open: The Nuts and Bolts for You and Your Team?
10:32 AM – How to Manage a Cholecystostomy Tube and Options for Management
10:40 AM – Panel Discussion
11:00 AM – Imaging of the Ducts: The Latest and Greatest
11:08 AM – Drains and Leaks: When to Use Them and Why?
11:16 AM – Mirrizi`s Syndrome: The Management, Role of ERCP and Surgery?
11:24 AM – I Caused a Bile Duct Injury (or I Think I did), What Do I Do?
11:32 AM – Bile Duct Injuries – Robotic vs Laparoscopic vs Open Outcomes
11:40 AM – Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS13: Exhibit Hall Theatre Session 1 (non-CME) – Exhibit Hall BC
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Robotic Surgery Curriculums Debate: Are We Neglecting Advanced Laparoscopic Training?
Session Chairs: Christy Dunst & Michael Awad
Grand Ballroom B
The majority of academic centers in the US employ robotic surgical technology to some degree but robotic surgery has not equally permeated hospitals across the country where laparoscopy dominates. This creates a dilemma for surgical educators charged with training surgeons to service the whole population. This session will focus on exploring education issues surrounding laparoscopy and robotic surgical fellowship training.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Reflect on how surgical fellowships are currently integrating laparoscopy and robotic surgery.
- Understand the considerations of successful fellowship program directors who favor either laparoscopic or robotic training.
- Develop a broader perspective of robotic surgery in the US healthcare system and how that relates to surgical education and training.
10:00 AM – Introduction: Framing the Issue
10:10 AM – Robotic Surgery Training: A Fellowship Program Director`s Perspective
10:20 AM – Laparoscopic Surgery Training: A Fellowship Program Director`s Perspective
10:30 AM – Accessibility to Robotic Surgery: Current Status and Issues
10:40 AM – Where are We Headed? Surgical Robotics Market Update
10:50 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Dissecting the CVS Challenge – Accomplishments & Future Directions (non CME)
Session Chairs: Ozanan Meireles & Jennifer Eckhoff & Guy Rosman
Grand Ballroom A
This session explores the accomplishments of the SAGES CVS Challenge – a two-year interdisciplinary collaboration between surgeons and computer scientists for the development of AI to enhance surgical safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This session delves into the challenge`s architecture, provides insights into an unprecedented surgical video dataset, and outlines the next steps for translating these technologies into clinical practice, offering a return to the global surgical community. The winning team from MICCAI 2024 will present their methodology for automated CVS assessment, showcasing how AI can improve surgical decision-making. Furthermore, the session will focus on the next phase of the Challenge, focused around key aspects essential for real-time AI deployment for surgical safety. Given the international and multidisciplinary nature of the CVS Challenge, this session will facilitate a broad exchange of ideas surrounding surgical AI and provide invaluable perspectives on the future of surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Assess the architecture and outcomes of the SAGES CVS Challenge, identifying key advancements in AI-driven surgical safety for laparoscopic cholecystectomy achieved through the challenge.
- Demonstrate how AI models from the challenge can enhance surgical decision-making, focusing on the CVS Challenge`s real-world applications.
- Plan the next steps for translating AI into the operating room, prioritizing real-time deployment and efficiency in clinical practice to benefit the global surgical community
10:00 AM – The Architecture of the Critical View of Safety Challenge
10:12 AM – The Value of Data & Impact of the CVS Challenge Dataset
10:22 AM – CVS Challenge Winning Team: Impact of AI Methodology on Surgical Practice
10:27 AM – How Data Challenges Enable Clinical Translation of AI
10:39 AM – Future of the CVS Challenge & Translation into Clinical Practice
10:51 AM – Q&A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Early Innovators Course: Want to Invent the Future? What Does It Really Take? PART 1 (non CME)
Session Chairs: Dan Azagury & Katherine Blevins
General Surgery, AI/Technology, Training/Education
Grand Ballroom A
Have you ever had an idea for a new health technology or medical device? Do you have one now and are wondering what to do with it? This course is for you! Find out what it really takes to bring an idea to market! This two-part course will consist of a didactic component and a hands-on portion. Didactics will be a series of short lectures from innovators, entrepreneurs and investors who will explain what it really takes to get an idea to market. The second portion of the course will consist of some real-life (successful or failed) examples of innovations brought to life, with presentations from the inventors themselves. Bring your idea! You will be paired with one of our experts/panelists for 1:1 mentoring. They will help evaluate the potential of your idea, ask questions to guide next steps and give you insightful feedback (faculty will sign a non-disclosure agreement to allow you to share your idea with them).
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the steps necessary to bring an idea to market in healthcare.
11:00 AM – Finding the Need & Concept Generation
11:15 AM – IP Basics
11:30 AM – Building a Business: Business Models, Value Proposition & Fundraising
11:45 AM – Regulatory and Reimbursement Basics
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Practical Tips: Empowering Surgeons to Navigate Challenges in Surgical Culture & Inclusive Excellence
Session Chairs: Jenny Shao & Courtney Collins
General Surgery, Training/Education, DEI
Grand Ballroom B
This session focuses on empowering surgeons with the appropriate knowledge, skills, and tools to navigate surgical culture change. In this challenging national and political climate, change can be difficult to implement, and questions often arise on how we can continue to promote a culture of inclusive excellence. This is geared towards any surgeon looking to make a difference in surgical culture change and interested in learning more how to impact the current landscape, legal concerns, inclusive excellence within training/education, patient healthcare equity, and building surgical community & culture.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the current national and political landscape surrounding diversity initiatives and how to navigate current legislation.
- Implement new strategies to build inclusive excellence in surgical training and education.
- Create institution specific patient centered healthcare equity initiatives.
- Identify interventions to help improve surgical culture and community.
11:00 AM – Help! How to Navigate the National & Political Landscape: What to Do When the ‘D’ Word is Banned
11:12 AM – Tools to Build Inclusive Excellence in Surgical Training and Education
11:24 AM – Understanding Patient Centered Care: Bridging Gaps Healthcare Disparities & Culture
11:36 AM – Surgical Culture Change: Strategies to Build Inclusive Surgical Culture & Community
11:48 AM – Panel Discussion/Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Complimentary Lunch in the Exhibit Hall BC
Enjoy Lunch while you explore the latest products and technologies offered by our exhibits.
1:30 PM – 5:30 PM: Hands-On Course: EndoFLIP (non CME)
Session Chairs: Herbert Hedberg & Kevin El-Hayek
Hands-On Lab
Exhibit Hall BC Hands-on Lab
This session is a comprehensive review of impedance planimetry and luminal imaging utilizing EndoFLIP(TM). Prior to the hands-on course at the SAGES meeting there will be a virtual didactic session to review the device`s functionality and clinical utility. The hands-on course will include stations with 10 EndoFLIP(TM) devices for participants to simulate various clinical scenarios and become comfortable integrating EndoFLIP(TM) into clinical practice.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Confidently set up, utilize, and troubleshoot the EndoFLIP(TM) device.
- Understand the utility and limitations of EndoFLIP(TM) in foregut diagnostics and therapeutic procedures.
- Recognize different patterns of esophageal motility as measured by impedance planimetry
1:30 PM – Hands-on Course
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Bariatric Masters: Revisional (non CME)
Session Chairs: Tammy Kindel & John Morton
Exhibit Hall A
Video-focused session on the performance and decision-making in revisional bariatric surgery
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how to advocate to get the right bariatric procedure approved for your patient.
- Describe expert-driven recommendations for the performance of a GJ revision for marginal ulcers after RYGB.
- Determine when pharmacotherapy instead of a surgical revision is indicated after bariatric surgery.
1:30 PM – Bariatric Revisions with a Once Per Lifetime Bariatric Policy: Mastery Advocacy
1:42 PM – Revision of Gastric Band or Sleeve to RYGB for Obesity and GERD
1:54 PM – Revision of Sleeve Gastrectomy to OAGB for Obesity
2:06 PM – Revision of Refractory Marginal Ulcers After RYGB
2:18 PM – Revision of DS for Malnutrition
2:30 PM – Pharmacotherapy Instead of Surgical Revision: When, What, and How Long?
2:42 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Top Controversies in Foregut Surgery (Collis, Fundoplication, Mesh, Gastric Bypass)
Session Chairs: Lucas Beffa & Aurora Pryor
Bariatrics, Hernia, Foregut, Robotics, Flexible Endoscopy, Pediatrics
Promenade 104BC
In this interactive session, top controversial operative and perioperative decisions in foregut surgery will be evaluated and discussed from an evidence and expert opinion standpoint. Audience interaction is highly encouraged and session speakers will be polling the audience during presentations.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe various controversial topics related to paraesophageal hernia repairs.
- Make evidence based decisions when implementing various adjuncts to paraesophageal hernia repair.
1:30 PM – Gastropexy in Paraesophageal Hernia Repair – Does It Work?
1:42 PM – Gastric Bypass – First Line or Last Resort for Surgical Reflux Control?
1:54 PM – Is Collis Gastroplasty the Answer to Reduce PEH Recurrence?
2:06 PM – The Perfect Fundoplication – How I Do It and Why
2:18 PM – All About Mesh – What to Use, When to Use It, and Why
2:30 PM – On Call: Management of Emergent PEH Repairs
2:42 PM – Update on Pediatric Fundoplication Indication and Types of Modern Day Procedures, Magnetic Compression Anastomosis in the Esophagus
2:54 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: SAGES/AHS: How Experts Perform Component Separation
Session Chairs: Vedra Augenstein & John Linn & Salvador Morales-Conde
Promenade 102ABC
This session will include the most relevant, procedure specific tips and pearls for doing various component separations in complex abdominal wall reconstruction.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Demonstrate different abdominal wall reconstruction options.
- Educate regarding potential failures of techniques.
- Distinguish different component separations and when one is appropriate compared to another.
1:30 PM – Principles of Anterior Component Separation: External Oblique Release
1:45 PM – Principles of Posterior Component Separation: Open Transversus Abdominus Release
2:00 PM – Minimally Invasive Transversus Abdominus Release: Tips and Pearls
2:15 PM – Rives Stoppa Technique: Minimally Invasive and Open
2:30 PM – TEP RS: The Technique and Pitfalls
2:45 PM – Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Rectus Aponeuroplasty: How to Do It Well
3:00 PM – Chemical Component Separation Using Botulinum Toxin: How and When
3:15 PM – Q&A
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: HPB Masters: Complex Benign Biliary Disease
Session Chairs: Horacio Asbun & Erin Baker
HPB, Pediatrics
Promenade 104A
In this masters session, experts in the field describe the diagnosis and management of complex benign biliary disease. Topics include management of bile duct stones after bariatric surgery, surgical treatment of choledochal cysts, trans-cystic common bile duct exploration in pediatric patients, and a review of the recent literature surrounding upfront cholecystectomy versus cholecystostomy for terrible gallbladders. The session will conclude with a panel discussion regarding ways to support management of bile duct injuries in the community to improve patient outcomes.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe strategies for management of choledocholithiasis after bariatric surgery.
- Use the latest literature for support, construct pathways for management of severe complex cholecystitis to improve patient safety.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:32 PM – Transcystic Common Bile Duct Exploration in Pediatric Patients
1:52 PM – Treatment of Bile Duct Stones After Bariatric Surgery
2:12 PM – Terrible Gallbladder: Upfront Cholecystectomy vs Cholecystostomy Tube
2:32 PM – Minimally Invasive Treatment of Choledochal Cyst
2:52 PM – Panel: Decriminalizing Bile Duct Injury – Changing the Stigma to Improve Patient Outcomes
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Ergonomics: We`ve All Felt the Strain, Now What Do We Do About It?
Session Chairs: Andrew Wright & Yewande Alimi & Harry Wong
General Surgery, Training/Education, DEI
Grand Ballroom B
Every surgeon has felt it – the pain and ergonomic injury that comes with the job. Whether it’s back spasm after moving a patient, shoulder or neck pai from laparoscopy, eye strain from robotics, or wrist issues from flex endo, we’ve got you covered. We`ll have practical tips and exercises that you can use tomorrow to reduce pain and fatigue, extend your career, improve your quality of life, and unleash your potential.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Assess ergonomic risks in their own practice.
- Implement best practices for reducing risk of ergonomic injury in surgery.
- Apply strategies for recovery after injury.
1:30 PM – Ergonomics 101: What You Need to Know!
1:40 PM – Ergonomics, Burnout, and Wellness
1:50 PM – How Do I Keep from Getting Hurt (Injury Prevention, Rehab, Disability Insurance)
2:00 PM – What Do I Do If I Get Hurt Anyways?
2:10 PM – Surgeon Specific PT and OT
2:20 PM – PT Break – Practical Demonstrations of How You Can Stretch During and In Between Cases!
2:30 PM – Pregnancy and Surgery
2:40 PM – Laparoscopy and Me: Transferring the Pain from the Patient to the Surgeon
2:50 PM – Is Robotics Really the Answer?
3:00 PM – Flex Endo? Flex Ergo!
3:10 PM – Panel Discussion
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Early Innovators Course: Want to Invent the Future? What Does It Really Take? PART 2 (non CME)
Session Chairs: Dan Azagury & Katherine Blevins
General Surgery, AI/Technology, Training/Education
Grand Ballroom A
Have you ever had an idea for a new health technology or medical device? Do you have one now and are wondering what to do with it? This course is for you! Find out what it really takes to bring an idea to market!
This two-part course will consist of a didactic component and a hands-on portion. Didactics will be a series of short lectures from innovators, entrepreneurs and investors who will explain what it really takes to get an idea to market. The second portion of the course will consist of some real-life (successful or failed) examples of innovations brought to life, with presentations from the inventors themselves. Bring your idea! You will be paired with one of our experts/panelists for 1:1 mentoring. They will help evaluate the potential of your idea, ask questions to guide next steps and give you insightful feedback (faculty will sign a non-disclosure agreement to allow you to share your idea with them).
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the steps necessary to bring an idea to market in healthcare.
1:30 PM – Keynote: From Surgeon to Startup CEO: What Does It REALLY Take?
1:55 PM – My Innovation Story: Innovating From My Clinical Practice
2:10 PM – My Innovation Story: From Resident to Industry
2:25 PM – 1:1 Mentoring
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Best Strategies for Preventing and Treating Anastomotic Leaks
Session Chairs: Pichamol Jirapinyo & Richard Whelan
Bariatrics, Colorectal, Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery
Promenade 101AB
This session will explore novel strategies to minimize risks, detect, and manage anastomotic leaks. It will focus on both endoscopic and surgical approaches for the prevention and effective management of these complications.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the incidence rates of anastomotic leaks in various surgical procedures and outline the methods for diagnosing different types of leaks.
- Employ new strategies to avoid anastomotic leaks.
- Understand different endoscopic techniques for the treatment of anastomotic leaks.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:35 PM – The Problem: Overview of Anastomotic Leaks and Use of Proximal Diversion in High Risk Situations
1:50 PM – Postoperative Evaluation for Anastomotic Leak: Signs and Symptoms, Imaging Options, Testing Recommendations
2:05 PM – Standard Treatment of Anastomotic Leaks: Non-operative and Operative
2:20 PM – New Anastomotic Detection Methods
2:30 PM – New Anastomotic Leak and Ileostomy Avoiding Techniques
2:40 PM – Endoscopic Treatment of Anastomotic Leaks
2:55 PM – Patient Experience with Anastomotic Leaks
3:05 PM – Panel Discussion
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Scientific Session
SS14: Exhibit Hall Theatre Session 2 (non-CME) – Exhibit Hall BC
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Happy (Half) Hour in the Exhibit Hall BC
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: GERD Post Sleeve Gastrectomy: What is the Best Solution?
Session Chairs: Bryan Sandler & Melissa Hanson
Bariatrics, Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery, Training/Education
Exhibit Hall A
As sleeve gastrectomy has become the most commonly performed bariatric surgical procedure in the United States and worldwide, managing GERD after a sleeve remains a challenging issue for physicians. This session will help surgeons understand the mechanisms behind the increased incidence of GERD after sleeve gastrectomy and pit-falls to avoid during the initial treatment of the bariatric patient. Furthermore, the session will then explore post-sleeve management options for physicians through diverse perspectives and best evidence-based practices. The panel of experts will discuss sleeve pearls to follow to help minimize GERD post-operatively, will discuss sleeve surgical revision options, including sleeve-to-bypass, sleeve-to-SADI or BPD-DS, as well as magnetic sphincter augmentation procedures for sleeve patients. The panel will also discuss available endoscopic options for the refluxing sleeve patient, including TIF, Stretta, ARMs, etc. Lastly, the panel will then present and discuss this topic in a case-based panel discussion focusing on patient work-up, best management options, and surgical challenges for this commonly encountered issue following sleeve gastrectomy for the bariatric patient.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Distinguish the post-surgical technique-related anatomic, post-surgical physiologic, and post-surgical behavioral reasons that a significant portion of sleeve gastrectomy patients develop GERD after having a sleeve gastrectomy for weight loss.
- Appraise the post-bariatric medical, endoscopic, and surgical treatment options and their efficacy for managing worsening or de-novo GERD following sleeve gastrectomy.
- Integrate the best-practice guidelines into their own surgical practice for addressing GERD in a patient following sleeve gastrectomy.
4:00 PM – Welcome and Introduction
4:02 PM – Understanding GERD Post Sleeve Gastrectomy: Mechanisms, Surgical Factors, and Early Management
4:12 PM – Surgical Revisions for GERD: Sleeve to Gastric Bypass and Beyond
4:27 PM – Endoscopic Solutions for GERD: Exploring Emerging Therapies
4:42 PM – Panel Discussion: Finding the Best Solution: Surgical and Endoscopic Perspectives on Managing GERD After Sleeve
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Getting Out of Trouble During Foregut Surgery
Session Chairs: Kirsten Newhams & David Spector
Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy
Promenade 104BC
Getting Out of Trouble During Foregut Surgery is a session for early through late career surgeons. Topics will focus on the management of difficult situations that can be encountered during foregut surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate evolving intra-operative conditions during foregut surgery.
- Develop critical decision-making based on nuanced foregut surgical situations.
- Refine technical maneuvers for complex foregut operations.
4:00 PM – Introduction
4:03 PM – Stuck in a Moment: Considerations for Management of a Paraesophageal Hernia
4:08 PM – Dilemmas: Pitfalls in Anti-Reflux Surgery
4:15 PM – The Tortured Esophagus: When and How to Lengthen the Esophagus
4:22 PM – Walking the Line: Intentional and Unintentional Perforation in Foregut Surgery
4:29 PM – Don`t Stop Me Now: Revisional Problems in Foregut Surgery
4:38 PM – Closing Time:The Difficult Hiatus
4:45 PM – Foregut Failures: Empowering the Next Generation
4:52 PM – Q&A/Poll
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Abdominal Wall Hernias: The Goldilocks Fit – How Do We Get It Just Right?
Session Chairs: Archana Ramaswamy & Ryan Juza
Promenade 102ABC
There are a variety of treatment options for abdominal wall defects, from suture repair, to mesh based with tissue release techniques. How much is too much, how little is too little, how do we get just the right fit?
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the options for repair of small to medium sized anterior abdominal defects.
- Compare recurrence rates with the complications associated with complex abdominal wall reconstruction techniques.
- Recommend options to the patient based on data and patient goals.
4:00 PM – Introduction
4:05 PM – Overview of Procedures as We Climb the Ladder of Reconstruction Techniques
4:13 PM – The Less Than 2 cm Defect – Local vs MIS Repair
4:21 PM – 2-6 cm Hernia – When to Release
4:29 PM – Denervation and Diastasis, Do Nothing?
4:37 PM – What Factors Affect the Type of Repair Offered?
4:45 PM – What I Didn`t Expect from This Operation
4:50 PM – Q&A
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Bots vs Sticks: Colorectal Robot and Laparoscopic Techniques – Show Me the Data!
Session Chairs: Elizabeth McLemore & Sherief Shawki
Promenade 101AB
This session will tackle a CRS disease using different MIS modalities to debate the best approach.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how to implement both laparoscopy and robotic modalities in CD surgery.
- Learn the technical differences between laparoscopy and Robot when performing ileal pouch surgery.
- How to implement both robot & laparoscopy in intracorporeal anastomosis.
4:00 PM – Laparoscopy for CD: Better than the Robot
4:08 PM – Robotic Resection in CD: Better than Laparoscopy
4:16 PM – Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Anastomosis Better than Robot
4:24 PM – Robotic Intracorporeal Anastomosis Better than Laparoscopic
4:32 PM – Laparoscopic Creation of Ileal J Pouch is Better than Robotic
4:40 PM – Robotic Creation of Ileal J Pouch is Better than Laparoscopic
4:48 PM – Q&A
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: SAGES/ILLS: Rise of the Machines – Robotic vs Laparoscopic Liver Resections
Session Chairs: Claudius Conrad & Catherine Teh
Promenade 104A
Join us for an exciting debate, Rise of the Machines: Robotic vs. Laporoscopic Liver Resections! This session will explore the advantages and challenges of robotic and laparoscopic liver resections, featuring true experts in the field. Ideal for surgeons interested in these two cutting-edge surgical techniques and technology-driven innovations, this event promises an engaging and insightful discussion.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate the differences between a laparoscopic vs. robotic liver resection.
- Understand what approach may suit your specific practice better.
- See where the technology for both approaches is heading.
4:00 PM – Pro Robot: To Cling to Yesterday is to Wither in the Face of Tomorrow
4:15 PM – Pro Lap: Robotic Approach is an Expensive Gimmick for Those Who Can’t Get It Done Laparoscopically
4:30 PM – Q&A
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS15: Flex Endo Oral Session I – Grand Ballroom B
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS16: Bariatric Spotlight Session II – Exhibit Hall A
SS17: Foregut Oral Session II – Promenade 104BC
SS18: Hernia Video Session – Promenade 102ABC
SS19: Colorectal Cancer Session I – Promenade 101AB
SS20: Liver / Pancreas Session II – Promenade 104A
SS21: Innovative Techniques Session – Grand Ballroom B
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Shark Tank (non CME)
Grand Ballroom A
In partnership with Varia Ventures, SAGES is continuing a three-pronged initiative to educate its members on entrepreneurism, engage and showcase inventors through the reimagined and funded SAGES Shark Tank business competition, and finance promising startups through the new SINC Fund.
This year’s finalists will again present both their idea and supporting business model to the Shark Tank judges. All semi-finalists will present their work in-person at the NBT Innovation Weekend in Houston. The Shark Tank Finals will be on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the SAGES meeting.
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Video Reel Lounge
Promenade 103B
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Scientific Sessions
SS22: Bariatric Spotlight Session III – Exhibit Hall A
SS23: Foregut Video Session – Promenade 104BC
SS24: Hernia Hot Topics Session – Promenade 102ABC
SS25: Non CME Session – Grand Ballroom A
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: SAGES/JSES: Advanced Lateral and Extended Lymph Node Dissection in Colorectal Surgery
Session Chairs: Yusuke Watanabe & Andrew Schlussel
Colorectal, AI/Technology, ICG
Promenade 101AB
This session is designed for surgeons interested in performing robotic or laparoscopic lateral and extended lymph node dissection. Attendees will explore the indications, anatomical foundations, technical tips, and management of intraoperative complications associated with these complex procedures. The session will include video presentations to illustrate key techniques and demonstrate the latest advancements in AI and imaging-guided technologies that enhance the accuracy and safety of lymph node dissection. This session is ideal for surgeons looking to refine their skills and improve clinical outcomes through advanced techniques.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify the indications and anatomical landmarks critical for precise lateral and extended lymph node dissection.
- Recognize intraoperative complications associated with lymph node dissection and implement appropriate management strategies to enhance patient safety.
- Integrate advanced imaging and AI technologies to enhance lymph node dissection techniques and improve surgical outcomes.
8:00 AM – Advanced Lateral and Extended Lymph Node Dissection in Colorectal Surgery: Indications, Anatomy, and Techniques
8:10 AM – Advanced Lateral and Extended Lymph Node Dissection in Colorectal Surgery: Fluorescence-Guided Lymph Node Dissection.
8:20 AM: Advanced Lateral and Extended Lymph Node Dissection in Colorectal Surgery: Techniques and Intraoperative Complications.
8:30 AM – How to Teach and Learn Advanced Lateral and Extended Lymph Node Dissection in Colorectal Surgery
8:40 AM – Real-time Artificial Intelligence Navigation-assisted Surgery
8:50 AM – Q&A
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Fellowship Council Session: The Art of Giving Effective Feedback
Session Chairs: Brent Matthews & Edward Lin
General Surgery, AI/Technology, Training/Education, DEI
Promenade 104A
This session emphasizes a constructive framework for effective feedback that is focused on goal-oriented performance. Experts will offer a research-based framework for providing meaningful feedback that advances the learner towards the goal.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Use a culture of meaningful feedback.
- Develop your personal feedback framework.
- Implement a constructive mindset for difficult conversations.
- Prioritize feedback that improves performance.
8:00 AM – Effective Frameworks for Giving Feedback: What Does Research Tell Us?
8:10 AM – Using Feedback to Improve Goal-Oriented Performance
8:20 AM – The Difficult Conversation
8:30 AM – Creating a Culture That Gives Effective Feedback
8:40 AM – Q&A
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Implementing a Sustainable Surgical Practice
Session Chairs: Shaneeta Johnson & Stefania Marconi
Sustainability, Training/Education
Grand Ballroom B
This session will explore actionable strategies for surgeons and healthcare teams to minimize their environmental impact while maintaining excellent standards of patient care. A central focus will be on minimally invasive surgery (MIS). While MIS offers numerous clinical advantages, including reduced patient recovery times and fewer complications, it also has notable environmental implications. Attendees will learn to balance these clinical benefits with sustainability, making informed decisions regarding resource consumption and waste reduction in the OR. Looking to the future, this session will highlight innovative solutions aimed at creating a more environmentally friendly surgical landscape. Experts will present cutting-edge developments in surgical technologies, materials, and sustainable practices designed to reduce waste, lower carbon emissions, and create more energy-efficient surgical environments.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the environmental impacts of minimally invasive surgery and its implications for sustainable decision-making.
- Identify key contributors to environmental degradation in the operating room and implement eco-friendly, sustainable practices to reduce the carbon footprint.
- Discuss the future of surgical innovation, focusing on industry trends and technologies that can drive sustainability and combat the effects of climate change in healthcare.
8:00 AM – Introduction
8:05 AM – How Can I Make My OR More Sustainable?
8:20 AM – Engage and Educate Your Surgical Team for a Greener OR
8:35 AM – A Circular Economy for the Healthcare Sector
8:50 AM – Creating and Utilizing Impactful Research in Your Practice
9:05 AM – Does Surgical Sustainability Impact Quality Outcomes
9:20 AM – Creating Buy-in with Hospital Leadership in Surgical Sustainability
9:35 AM – Panel Discussion
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Bots vs Sticks: Bariatric Robot and Laparoscopic Techniques – Show Me the Data!
Session Chairs: Matthew Kroh & Janey Pratt
Bariatrics, AI/Technology, Training/Education
Exhibit Hall A
Robotic assisted surgical technologies continue to improve and are widely used across MIS specialties. This session focuses on applications of laparoscopy and robotics in metabolic surgery, in a lively debate forum, with a focus on what the data shows, as well as trends and future directions.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Compare and evaluate the clinical outcomes and safety data between robotic and laparoscopic approaches in bariatric surgery.
- Analyze current trends in the use of robotic versus laparoscopic techniques in metabolic surgery, including utilization and cost-effectiveness.
- Formulate hypotheses for advancements in robotic and laparoscopic surgery, incorporating insights on technological improvements and surgeon experience.
9:00 AM – Introduction
9:01 AM – For Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
9:09 AM – For Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
9:17 AM – For Robotic Gastric Bypass
9:25 AM – For Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
9:33 AM – For Robotic Duodenal Switch
9:41 AM – For Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch
9:49 AM – Q&A
9:59 AM – Debate Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Pediatric Minimally Invasive Fundoplication and Other Anti-reflux Procedures
Session Chairs: Oliver Muensterer & Bethany Slater
Hernia, Foregut, Pediatrics
Promenade 104BC
This session is a concise update on the state-of-the-art of pediatric anti-reflux procedures. It is geared towards practicing pediatric surgeons, as well as general surgeons involved in transition of care from childhood to adolescence and beyond. The presentations are deliberately kept short to allow for ample discussion among the participants and the opportunity to ask questions.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the Indications for anti-reflux procedures in children.
- Understand the spectrum of surgical anti-reflux procedures in children along with their advantages and risks.
- Identify potential pitfalls that may be encountered during pediatric anti-reflux procedures and how they can be avoided.
- Recognize that some pediatric gastroesophageal reflux is a chronic condition that needs surgeon participation in the patient journey and early identification of recurrence.
- Know the risks of chronic reflux such as strictures and Barrett`s metaplasia and their implications for the transition into adult life.
9:00 AM – Introduction on Laparoscopic Anti-reflux Procedures in Children and How the Following Subject Matter Will Make a Positive Impact on the Audience
9:05 AM – Laparoscopic Fundoplication – From Then to Now
9:15 AM – Partial vs Complete Fundoplication Wraps – A Systematic Review
9:25 AM – Long Term Outcomes of Fundoplication – What to Expect and What Not to Expect
9:35 AM – Strategies and Unconventional GERD Solutions When Fundoplications Fail
9:45 AM – Q&A
9:55 AM – Summary
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Getting Out of Trouble During Hernia Surgery
Session Chairs: B Todd Heniford & Kaela Blake
Hernia, Colorectal, Acute Care, General Surgery, Training/Education
Promenade 102ABC
This session is dedicated to the management of difficult situations in abdominal wall reconstruction. Attending surgeons, fellows, resident and medical students interested in complex abdominal wall surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the preparation for surgery in complex AWR.
- Discuss the management of the operative hernia cases when the fascia will not close.
- Evaluation of and intra-operative decision making in parastomal hernias.
9:00 AM – The Best Way to Get Out of Trouble is to Not Get Into Trouble – Prepare Not to Fail In Complex AWR
9:10 AM – Pre-operative and Operative Decision Making in Parastomal Hernia Repair
9:20 AM – The Anterior Fascia Will Not Close Intra-Operatively – Algorithm to Achieve Closure
9:30 AM – Enterotomy at the Time of AWR
9:40 AM – Operating on VIPs – How I Do It
9:50 AM – Q&A
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: IPAA – How I Do It
Session Chairs: Virginia Shaffer & Daniel Popowich
Promenade 101AB
Prior to the advent of IPAA (ileo pouch anal anastomosis), patients who required removal of their colon and rectum required a permanent ileostomy. The formation of an internal reservoir allowed for continuity of the GI tract. The formation of an IPAA has gone through several iterations. We will discuss different techniques for making an IPAA.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the different methods for making IPAA.
- Describe the advantages of making an extracorporeal pouch.
- Describe the advantages of intracorporeal pouch formation.
9:00 AM – Introduction
9:03 AM – How I Do It: Laparoscopic Pouch Formation
9:15 AM – How I Do It: Robotic Pouch
9:27 AM – How I Do It: Intracorporeal Pouch Formation
9:39 AM – How I Do It: Pouch Lengthening Techniques
9:51 AM – Q&A
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Educators Session: Video Based Assessment in Surgery – The Next Frontier
Session Chairs: Liane Feldman & E Matthew Ritter
AI/Technology, Training/Education
Promenade 104A
An emerging body of evidence confirms a strong association between intraoperative technical performance as measured by video-based assessment (VBA) and patient outcomes. VBAs by expert reviewers can now be used for training, coaching and competency evaluation, and in the future, they could be automated using computer vision. SAGES is creating a series of VBA tools that will meet the robust criteria required for any high-stakes evaluation. This session is designed for all surgeons with an interest in quality improvement and education.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the steps being followed by SAGES to create video-based assessments.
- List potential uses of video-based assessments.
- List limitations of video-based assessments and how they might be addressed with advanced technology.
9:00 AM – Introduction
9:05 AM – Why Should I Care About Video Based Assessment?
9:15 AM – The Long and Winding Road to VBA Creation
9:25 AM – Imagining the Future of VBA: AI to the Rescue?
9:35 AM – How Can I Use SAGES VBAs Now
9:45 AM – Q&A
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: AI: What`s New Industry Showcase (non CME)
Session Chairs: Daniel Hashimoto & Jonathan DeLong
General Surgery, AI/Technology
Grand Ballroom A
This session will provide an engaging overview of the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that have the potential to shape the future of surgical practice. Industry leaders will present cutting-edge tools and innovations that can transform decision-making, surgical planning, and patient care. Attendees will gain insights into the practical applications of AI-driven solutions in and out of the operating room, the impact on clinical outcomes, and the evolving role of AI in enhancing surgeon performance. This showcase is an excellent opportunity for surgeons to explore emerging technologies that are revolutionizing the healthcare landscape, including ambient AI, generative AI, and computer vision.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Define generative AI and identify its strengths and weaknesses as applied to clinical care.
- Identify ambient AI technologies and their potential role in surgical workflows.
- Differentiate use cases for computer vision in the operating room.
9:00 AM – Introduction
9:05 AM – Surgery-specific Generative AI Models
9:15 AM – Ambient Clinical Intelligence
9:25 AM – AI Operational Assistants
9:35 AM – Computer Vision Guided Surgical Dissection
9:45 AM – Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM:
Exhibit Hall and Education and Innovation Center Open
Exhibit Hall BC
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Morning Mimosas in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall BC
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM: Presidential Address
Christopher Schlachta
Exhibit Hall A
More details to coming soon.
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Karl Storz Lecture
Exhibit Hall A
More details coming soon.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Complimentary Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall BC
Enjoy Lunch while you explore the latest products and technologies offered by our exhibits.
1:30 PM – 6:00 PM: Hands-on Course: ICA
Session Chairs: Carl Brown & Rahilia Essani
Hands-On Lab
Exhibit Hall BC
This course is designed for surgeons in practice who perform MIS colon and/or rectal operations and desire to incorporate intracorporeal anastomoses into their practice. The course will include a pre-meeting virtual didactic session, hands-on training in right and left colon intracorporeal anastomoses.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the benefits and challenges of intracorporeal anastomosis.
- Identify and demonstrate the steps of and intracorporeal anastomosis for right and/or left hemicolectomy.
- Develop a plan for integration of intracorporeal anastomosis into clinical practice after course completion.
Lab Instructors: Mark Soliman, Laila Rashidi, Marylise Boutros, Marius Hoogerboord, Anu Ghuman, Jamie Canon, John Marks, Itzel Vela, Luis Romangnolo
ADDITIONAL: Michele Riordan, Nicole Saur
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM:
Presidential Session: Giving You a Voice: The SAGES Lead Up Initiative
Session Chairs: Christopher Schlachta & Ross Goldberg
Exhibit Hall A
With the growing complexity of the healthcare system, the practicing surgeon is increasingly constrained to effectively represent the needs of their patients and clinical practice. In this session, practicing surgeons and trainees at every level will hear the challenges and potential solutions from surgeons, industry and the c-suite. Attendees will hear a preview of the solutions being developed to restore our members’ voice through the SAGES Lead Up initiative.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the challenges to effective communication and advocacy in this healthcare environment.
- Appreciate why and how perceived obstacles have arisen.
- Anticipate the supporting tools that SAGES is planning to develop.
1:30 PM – Introduction
1:35 PM – Whither the Voice of the Practicing Surgeon
1:45 PM – How Industry has Adapted to the Changing Landscape
1:55 PM – The C-suite is Really Your Ally, if You Speak That Language
2:05 PM – Giving You a Voice Through Lead Up
2:15 PM – Discussion
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Emerging Technology Session (non-CME)
Grand Ballroom A
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Scientific Session
SS26: Exhibit Hall Theatre Session 3 (non-CME) – Exhibit Hall BC
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Anti-Obesity Medications: Adjuvant and Neo-Adjuvant Adjuncts to Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Session Chairs: Salvatore Docimo & Monique Hassan
Exhibit Hall A
This session focuses on the topic of anti-obesity medications (AOMs) and what role they play on the spectrum of treatment for obesity. We will focus on understanding the role of AOMs as Adjuvant and Neo-Adjuvant therapy in regards to bariatric surgery and endo-bariatrics. Topics will focus on how and when anti-obesity medications can be prescribed in relation to bariatric and endo-bariatric procedures.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the risks and benefits of anti-obesity medications in order to safely implement their use in a bariatric practice.
- Assess and determine how and when anti-obesity medications can be prescribed along with bariatric surgery.
- Integrate the use of anti-obesity medications into an endoscopic bariatric practice.
2:30 PM – Use of Anti-Obesity Medications as Neoadjuvant Therapy for Bariatric Surgery
2:40 PM – Use of Anti-Obesity Medications as Adjuvant Therapy for Inadequate Weight Loss and Weight Regain
2:50 PM – Use of Obesity Medications as an Adjunct to Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures
3:00 PM – Anti-Obesity Medications, Their Side-effects, and the Impact on a Surgical Practice
3:10 PM – How Anti-Obesity Medications and Bariatric Surgery Changed My Life
3:20 PM – Q&A
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Bots vs Sticks: Foregut Robot and Laparoscopic Techniques – Show Me the Data!
Session Chairs: Zachary Callahan & Linda Zhang
Promenade 104BC
Widely renowned as the rivalry of the century! This session features minimally invasive experts going head-to-head in hopes of settling the age-old debate: Straight sticks or angled wrists? 3D vision or tactile precision? Vessel sealer or laparoscopic healer? Refuse to dock or buy intuitive stock? Our panelists will debate the benefits and drawbacks of both techniques for surgical treatment of benign and malignant foregut diseases.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of robotic and laparoscopic benign foregut surgery with specific attention to cost, quality and length of procedure, adverse events, patient outcomes, and surgeon ergonomics.
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of robotic and laparoscopic malignant foregut surgery with specific attention to cost, quality and length of procedure, adverse events, patient outcomes, and surgeon ergonomics.
2:30 PM – Introduction
2:32 PM – Bots Benign Foregut: I Prefer My Mediastinal Structures in 3D
2:40 PM – Sticks Benign Foregut: Nice Job Docking, I`ve Already Closed the Crura
2:48 PM – Bots Benign Foregut: Rebuttal
2:51 PM – Sticks Benign Foregut: Rebuttal
2:54 PM – Q&A
2:58 PM – Bots Malignant Foregut: Counting Nodes is Easier While Sitting Down
3:06 PM – Sticks Malignant Foregut: Laparoscopic Gastrectomy, the OG Minimally Invasive Approach – No Robot? No Problem!
3:14 PM – Bots Malignant Foregut: Rebuttal
3:17 PM – Sticks Malignant Foregut: Rebuttal
3:20 PM – Q&A
3:28 PM – Closing
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Chronic Pain After Hernia Repair and How to Manage It
Session Chairs: Matthew Goldblatt & Shirin Towfigh
Promenade 102ABC
Chronic pain after hernia repair is challenging to understand and can significantly impact a patient`s quality of life. This session will discuss the workup required to diagnose the cause of chronic pain after hernia surgery, as well as the surgical and non-surgical treatment options to address the root causes.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Teach the detailed evaluation of the patient with chronic pain after hernia surgery.
- Identify the non-surgical and surgical options to directly treat the cause of chronic pain after hernia surgery.
- Develop best practices to minimize risk of chronic pain after hernia surgery.
2:30 PM – Cost-effective Stepwise Evaluation of Chronic Pain After Inguinal and Ventral Hernia Repair
2:40 PM – My Algorithm for Treating Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair
2:50 PM – My Algorithm for Treating Chronic Pain After Ventral Hernia Repair
2:57 PM – Tips on How to Avoid Chronic Pain in Inguinal Hernia Repairs
3:04 PM – Preventing Pitfalls That Can Lead to Chronic Pain During Ventral Hernia Repair
3:10 PM – I`m Your Patient with Chronic Pain After Hernia Surgery
3:15 PM – Q&A
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Pushing the Limits of Natural Orifice-assisted Colorectal Surgery
Session Chairs: Mark Whiteford & Patricia Sylla
Colorectal, Flexible Endoscopy
Promenade 101AB
There has been a resurgence of interest in Natural Orifice-assisted colorectal procedures, driven by a growing interest in organ and abdominal wall preservation, same day discharge, and facilitated by advances in new technologies and techniques. In this session, current and emerging trends in endoscopic and minimally invasive colorectal resections that incorporate endoluminal and translumenal access will be reviewed. The feasibility, safety and effectiveness of these approaches will be balanced against future needs for wider implementation.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Appraise the latest indications, best practices, and outcomes of natural orifice-assisted colorectal resections, whether used to enable fully intracorporeal procedures or to facilitate rectal cancer dissection and sphincter preservation.
- Evaluate the latest advancements in endoluminal and transluminal robotics and potential applications in colorectal surgery.
- Evaluate the various ways transanal access can aid in complex colorectal resections, especially during anastomotic reconstruction and in the management of anastomotic complications.
2:30 PM – Introduction
2:32 PM – Natural Orifice-Assisted Intracorporeal Anastomosis with Transrectal Extraction: Updates on Best Practices, Outcomes, and Next Steps in Wider Dissemination
2:44 PM – The Blending of Endoscopy, Surgery and Computer Vision: Updates on Advanced Endoluminal Tools and Platforms
2:56 PM – Transanal Access to the Rescue: The Many Ways the Bottom Saves the Day
3:08 PM – Transvaginal Assistance During Colorectal Resections: A Fad From the Past or Prime for a (Major) Comeback ?
3:20 PM – Q&A
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS27: Flex Endo Oral Session II – Promenade 104A
SS28: Robot Beyond The OR Session – Grand Ballroom B
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Afternoon Break
Exhibit Hall BC
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Plenary Session 1
Exhibit Hall A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Bariatric Surgery and Special Scenarios/Complex Cases
Session Chairs: Mustafa Hussain & Hope Jackson
Bariatrics, Colorectal, Foregut, General Surgery, Pediatrics
Exhibit Hall A
This session will provide the current approach to metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) in special patient populations with complex medical and surgical history. The session will include the use of MBS in patients with inflammatory bowel disease; patients with or needing organ transplantation; patients with complex surgical problems following MBS and the pediatric/adolescent population. The primary audience for this session is surgeons currently practicing MBS or those training to do so. It may also be of interest to any practitioner providing care to IBD patients, complex bariatric patients, transplants patients or pediatric patients.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Appropriately evaluate patients with inflammatory bowel disease seeking bariatric surgery.
- Develop a treatment plan for transplant patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
- Employ a treatment strategy for patients who may require revisional bariatric surgery.
- Articulate the current status of pediatric/adolescent bariatric surgery.
5:00 PM – Introduction
5:02 PM – Maneuvering the Cobblestones: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
5:12 PM – An Appetite for Immunosuppression: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in the Transplant Patient
5:22 PM – All Grown Up? Current state of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in the Adolescent/Pediatric Population
5:32 PM – Roux and O No!: Revisional Surgery for Complications of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
5:42 PM – Discussion and Polling
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: International Approaches to Gastric Cancer
Session Chairs: Nicolas Demartines & Silvana Perretta
Foregut, General Surgery, ICG
Promenade 104BC
This session offers a state of the art in the management of gastric cancer. The session is focused on technical aspects and conversion endoscopy, new technologies, both laparoscopic and robotic approach with video demonstrations, even for advanced cases with discussion of chemotherapy versus upfront surgery. The panel is international.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe and review modern technical possibilities in surgical management of gastric cancer.
- Demonstrate various endoscopic and surgical strategies and techniques in the treatment of gastric cancer.
5:00 PM – Introduction
5:02 PM – Advantages and Limits of Endoscopic Treatment
5:12 PM – Fluorescence-guided Lymphadenectomy in Gastric Surgery
5:22 PM – Optimal Management of Tumors of the Cardia
5:32 PM – Surgery for Advanced Cases
5:42 PM – Robotic Approach and New Platforms
5:52 PM – Q&A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Hernia Radiology: Understanding Imaging for Outcomes
Session Chairs: Stephen Haggerty & Victoria Rendell
Hernia, General Surgery
Promenade 102ABC
There is significant variability in the radiologic evaluation of patients who will undergo hernia repair. Therefore, this session provides valuable information to all surgeons who care for hernia patients by addressing decision making for preoperative imaging and explaining novel uses in complex abdominal wall reconstruction surgery, such as the Carbonell ratio, volumetric analysis and radiomics. The final talk will clarify the use of post-operative imaging after complex hernia repair when complications are suspected.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Use preoperative imaging effectively for operative planning to improve patient outcomes.
- Apply defect to rectus ratio on computed tomography to predict the need for advanced component separation in incisional hernia repair.
- Critically evaluate postoperative imaging obtained for hernia repair patients and discern normal postoperative findings compared to complications.
5:00 PM – Standardizing the Approach to Preoperative Radiologic Evaluation of Hernia Patients
5:12 PM – Practical Tools for Surgeons Planning Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Surgery: Predicting the Need for Component Separation and Preoperative Adjunct Therapies for Loss of Domain
5:24 PM – Predicting Complications in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Using Imaging Analysis
5:36 PM – Evaluation of Early Post-Operative Imaging After Complex Hernia Repair to Differentiate Normal Findings from Postoperative Complications
5:48 PM – Q&A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: SAGES/EAES: Management of Diverticulitis
Session Chairs: Nicole Bouvy & Michael Truitt
Colorectal, Acute Care, General Surgery, Training/Education
Promenade 101AB
The Acute/Chronic Management of Diverticulitis continues to evolve, come learn more about where the data is taking us!
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Better understand the impact of diverticulitis on the day to day life of our patients.
- Evaluate best practices to determine who would benefit from conservative vs operative management of diverticulitis.
- Evaluate and interpret the data to determine the optimal surgical approach for the patient with complicated diverticulitis.
5:00 PM – The Patient`s Voice: Understanding the Experience and Expectations in Diverticulitis Care
5:09 PM – Environmental and Lifestyle Factors: Their Role in Diverticulitis Treatment and Outcomes
5:18 PM – When Should Elective Segmental Resection Be Offered in Diverticulitis?
5:27 PM – Intraoperative Excellence: Surgical Techniques and Best Practices for Managing patients with Complicated Diverticulitis
5:36 PM – Optimizing Recovery: Postoperative Strategies for Improved Outcomes in Diverticulitis Care
5:45 PM – Q&A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Management Strategies for Benign HPB Tumors
Session Chairs: Hop Tran Cao & Ana Gleisner
Promenade 104A
In this session, we will review the work-up and management strategies for common benign hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumors that general surgeons may encounter in the course of their practice. Questions addressed will include: What imaging study is most appropriate? When is biopsy warranted? When is surgery indicated? How should the patient be followed?
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Differentiate between different types of benign and potentially malignant liver tumors.
- Describe the surveillance strategy and indications for surgical intervention for benign liver tumors.
- Recognize features that warrant surgical intervention for pancreatic cystic neoplasms.
5:00 PM – Brief Poll of the Audience to Introduce Topic
5:05 PM – Introductions & Welcome
5:10 PM – Benign Liver Tumors – Diagnosis, Work-up, and Management
5:22 PM – Imaging for Benign Liver Tumors
5:27 PM – Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms – Diagnosis, Work-up, and Management
5:39 PM – Imaging for Pancreatic Cystic Tumors
5:44 PM – Case Presentations
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: SAGES Family Feud: The Rematch of a Rematch (non CME)
Session Chairs: Ross Goldberg & Maria Altieri
Grand Ballroom B
Team Overachievers: Michael Brunt, Liane Feldman, Anne Lidor, Barry Salky, Patricia Sylla
Team Dynamos: Shaina Eckhouse, Caitlin Houghton, Laila Rashidi, Kevin Reavis, Nabil Tariq
Team Bad Asses: Jamie Cannon, Teresa DeBeche-Adams, Deborah Keller, Craig Olson, Tonia Young-Fadok
Team Stomach Slicers: Yewande Alimi, Salvatore Docimo, Prakash Gatta, Jake Greenberg, Rebecca Petersen
Back yet again, here comes SAGES Family Feud, the Rematch of a Rematch! See SAGES members square off against one another in a fun game show setting. See who knows the most SAGES trivia, really knows their medical field, and everything in between! Just like the original show, our questions come directly from surveys of SAGES members. See who is going to make it through to the Final Round and win our first ever SAGES Family Feud trophy!!
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Prioritize having a good time while learning some SAGES trivia.
- Recognize how to act as a large studio audience participant.
- Demonstrate an ability to
for the Friday Night Event.
5:00 PM – Introduction
5:05 PM – Round 1
5:23 PM – Round 2
5:41 PM – Round 3
5:59 PM – Winner and Trophy Presentation
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Trainee Town Hall
Promenade 203ABC
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Meet the Leadership Reception (Invitation Only)
7:30 PM – 11:30 PM: The Main Event at The Aquarium of the Pacific
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM: Video Reels Lounge
Promenade 103B
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM:
SAGES Mini Medical School Boot Camp and Interactive Experience
Grand Ballroom A
With projected physician and surgeon shortages in the future, this program is timely and hopefully will promote early decisions to join our noble profession. The day is power-packed with expanded hands-on skill lab, and the Top Gun Interactive Experience. Both cognitive and skill competitions with awards and prizes will be offered. The SAGES Mini Medical School is designed to expose high school students to the field of Surgery through hands-on experience and simulation. Students will begin to appreciate that being in the OR is rewarding, important work, and fun. To maximize exposure, real-life surgeons/volunteers will mentor the students throughout the program. The Mini Medical School Experience is a power-packed extravaganza that provides fun with a purpose. Students will have the opportunity to show that they have the “right stuff” to join the ranks of physicians and laparoscopic surgeons. From video games that help decrease errors, to robots, to FLS and Top Gun surgical simulation drills.
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Plenary II
Promenade 104BC
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Bariatric Emergencies for the General Surgeon
Session Chairs: Farah Husain & Barham Abu Dayyeh
Bariatrics, Acute Care, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery
Promenade 104BC
As bariatric procedures continue to grow in both the United States and worldwide, patients are often evaluated in local ERs and clinics with different complaints. This session will cover major complications and provider strategies for offering treatment in varied settings, from rural community hospitals to large academic hospitals, when general surgery has been consulted. This session will review complications that can occur after bariatric surgery and how they can be addressed by surgeons and endoscopists.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Differentiate between major complications following bariatric surgery.
- Employ strategies to deal with GI bleeds, obstructions, and perforations after bariatric surgery.
- Evaluate best practices utilizing endoscopy therapy, when appropriate, in managing bariatric complications.
10:00 AM – The Acute Leak – General Surgery Tips to Management
10:10 AM – Acute Leak to Chronic Leak – How Can Endoscopy Help Me?
10:20 AM – Marginal Ulcer Management – Perforated and in My ER!
10:30 AM – Acute and Chronic Hemorrhage After Bariatric Surgery – Endoscopic Options
10:40 AM – Postoperative Bleeding After Bariatric Surgery and I Don`t Have an Endoscopist Available
10:50 AM – Oh No, a Bowel Obstruction in a Bariatric Patient!
11:00 AM – Strictures and Stenosis – What Can I Do?
11:10 AM – Biliary Access After Bariatric Surgery – Endoscopic Options
11:20 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Surgical Treatment of Gastroparesis: Evidence and Innovations
Session Chairs: Guilherme M. Campos & Melissa DeSouza
Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy
Promenade 102ABC
This session will review the current understanding of pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria and methods, and the options in multimodal escalation care for gastroparesis including dietetic modifications, pharmacological therapies, and endoscopic and minimally invasive surgical treatments for gastroparesis, including pyloric interventions, gastric neurostimulation, and gastric resections.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the common symptoms and diagnostic criteria and methods for gastroparesis, as well as their limitations.
- Understand the role of pharmacologic and dietetic teaching in the management of gastroparesis.
- Employ a treatment algorithm for the use of endoscopic and surgical treatments in the escalation of gastroparesis management.
10:00 AM – Patient Experience: Question/Interview
10:15 AM – Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Gastroparesis
10:25 AM – Dietetic and Pharmacologic Therapies for Gastroparesis
10:35 AM – Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Pyloric Interventions for Gastroparesis: When and How
10:45 AM – Gastric Neurostimulation: When, How and Results
10:55 AM – Gastric Resection for GP: When, How and Results
11:05 AM – All About Coding
11:15 AM – Round Table Discussion and Q&A
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: The Best Way to Approach Inguinal Hernias
Session Chairs: Brian Jacob & Dana Telem
Hernia, DEI, Pediatrics
Promenade 101AB
The session, titled ‘The Best Way to Approach Inguinal Hernias’ will explore the most effective surgical techniques for inguinal hernia repair, including open, laparoscopic, and robotic approaches. In addition, attendees will benefit from a lecture on how to navigate the job market for hernia specialists, as well as a session on proper coding and billing practices for hernia surgeries. Surgeons, residents, and healthcare professionals will gain both clinical and practical knowledge to enhance their surgical technique, improve patient outcomes, and manage the business aspects of hernia surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate the most effective surgical techniques for inguinal hernia repair and determine when to use open, laparoscopic, or robotic approaches based on patient-specific factors.
- Apply proper coding and billing practices for hernia surgeries to optimize reimbursement and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations.
- Implement strategies that enhance patient safety by minimizing complications and improving postoperative outcomes through the selection of appropriate surgical techniques and best practices.
10:00 AM – Introduction
10:01 AM – How to Do a Proper Open Lichtenstein Inguinal Hernia the Right Way
10:08 AM – How to Do a Proper Shouldice Inguinal Hernia Repair
10:15 AM – How to Do a Proper r-tapp Inguinal Hernia Repair
10:22 AM – How to Do a Proper Laparoscopic or Robotic TEP / e-Tep Inguinal Hernia Repair
10:29 AM – When to Do What Procedure: Algorithmic Tailored Approach to Offering the Best Inguinal Hernia Repair for Primary, Recurrent, and Unique Inguinal Hernia Presentations
10:39 AM – Approaching Inguinal Hernias in Women and in Pregnancy
10:49 AM – This Was All for Just 8 RVUs? Hernia Coding, Billing, and Recovery Recommendations
10:59 AM – Adolescent Inguinal Hernia Repairs: What to Do at What Age?
11:09 AM – How to Find a New Job with a Focus on Hernia Repair and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
11:17 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Getting Out of Trouble During Colorectal Surgery
Session Chairs: Deborah Keller & Lawrence Lee
Colorectal, General Surgery, Training/Education, ICG
Promenade 104A
Every operating surgeon will get into trouble. Getting out of trouble- both intraoperative and postoperative- is a science and an art. This session will explore the management of common challenges through narrated, video-rich scenarios covering open, robotic, laparoscopic, and endoscopic approaches, as appropriate for management. This session is designed for surgeons and surgical trainees at all levels.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Develop strategies to manage common intraoperative complications using different tools.
- Learn ways to approach challenging postoperative complications using endoscopic approaches.
- Formulate a support system to protect against second victim syndrome.
10:00 AM – Here Comes Trouble
10:05 AM – All I See is Red – Managing Major Bleeding
10:15 AM – Bubbles! Managing a Leak
10:25 AM – The Bowel Won`t Reach
10:35 AM – Was That the Ureter?
10:45 AM – This Rectal Cancer is Completely Stuck
10:55 AM – OMG the Stapler Misfired! What Now?
11:05 AM – You Will Get Into Trouble – How to Survive a Major Complication
11:15 AM – Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Residents & Fellows Session
Grand Ballroom B
In this session, residents and fellows representing the next generation of SAGES members will present their best research to a panel of expert faculty. A selection of the top submitted abstracts will ensure top quality research with a broad range of current topics.
After each presentation, expert panelists/judges will rank each resident/fellow presenter with regards to study contents, significance in clinical surgery, originality, study designs/methodology, interpretation and analysis of study findings/results, appropriate use of statistical tests, and overall presentation skills (including slides, clarity of presentation, and audience engagement). Awards will be given to two (2) top presenters at the conclusion of the session.
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Morning Break
Promenade Pre-Function Space
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM:
Beyond the Operating Room – Billing, Advocacy, and Insurance
Session Chairs: Scott Roth & Ann Rogers & Kevin Wasco
Bariatrics, Hernia, Colorectal, Foregut, HPB, Acute Care, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery, AI/Technology, Training/Education
Promenade 104BC
Health policy impacts patients and surgeons and often limits access to care. Surgeons spend countless hours mastering surgical techniques, indications, contraindications and management of complications. However, the policies that allow patients to receive care and afford surgeons the opportunity to perform their craft are often overlooked. SAGES advocates for surgeons and patients every day, collaborating nationally with the AMA, CMS, insurers and other societies to enhance access to surgical care for patients. This session will enhance the attendees understanding of public policy pertaining to the SAGES member affecting coding, reimbursement, and reimbursement as it pertains to innovation and established procedures.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the role SAGES plays in advocacy to enhance patient access to new and existing technology and procedures.
- Encourage surgeons to participate in advocacy initiatives that enhance access to patient care.
- Appreciate the current political, economic, and healthcare environment and the impact upon patients.
12:00 PM – Innovation and Surgery – How to Get Paid
12:10 PM – Concomitant Procedures and Bundling – How to Code and Get Paid Appropriately
12:20 PM – The Industry Perspective for CPT Codes
12:30 PM – From Preauthorizations to Payments… And Denials in Between – Understanding and Navigating the Process
12:40 PM – The Impact of a Code Upon Payment – What Did We Learn from POEM
12:50 PM – Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Unusual Findings from Upper Endoscopy
Session Chairs: Eric Pauli & Eleanor Fung
Bariatrics, Foregut, Flexible Endoscopy
Promenade 102ABC
Have you ever wondered what you were looking at during an upper endoscopy? This session aims to enhance all endoscopists` ability to recognize upper GI endoluminal pathology and how to correctly diagnose and manage these findings.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Demonstrate how to properly document findings on upper endoscopy.
- Recognize common and unusual upper GI pathology on upper endoscopy.
- Diagnose and manage uncommon findings on upper endoscopy.
12:00 PM – What Constitutes an Appropriate Upper Scope? All About Documentation and Billing
12:10 PM – How Do I Judge and Grade Endoscopic Findings?
12:20 PM – Unusual Endoscopic Findings in the Esophagus – What Do I Do?
12:30 PM – Unusual Endoscopic Findings in the Stomach – What is It and What Happens Now?
12:40 PM – Unusual Endoscopic Findings in the Duodenum – What and How to Manage?
12:50 PM – Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM:
Advancing Acute Care Surgery: Integrating Flexible Endoscopy
Session Chairs: Simon Che & Sara Hennessy
Acute Care, Flexible Endoscopy, General Surgery, Training/Education
Promenade 101AB
This session will explore the role of endoscopy in acute care surgery, focusing on both its diagnostic and therapeutic applications. We will discuss practical strategies for surgeons to integrate endoscopy into their practice, emphasizing its use in timely diagnosis and the management of critical situations like gastrointestinal bleeding, perforations, choledochoscopy and foreign body removal.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify key diagnostic and therapeutic uses of endoscopy in acute care surgery, including detecting bleeding, treating perforations, removing foreign bodies and performing choledochoscopy.
- Analyze the benefits and challenges of integrating endoscopic techniques into acute surgical practice.
- Evaluate the impact of endoscopy on patient outcomes, focusing on reducing complications and improving recovery.
- Integrate endoscopic procedures into surgical plans for acute care to enhance diagnosis and treatment.
12:00 PM – Empowering Acute Care Surgeons: Education and Training in Endoscopy
12:08 PM – Endoscopic Techniques for Endoscopic Feeding Access
12:16 PM – Endoscopic Control of Bleeding: A Critical Tool for Acute Care Surgeons
12:24 PM – Endoscopic Solutions for Perforations and Leaks
12:32 PM – Navigating Endoscopic Removal of Foreign Bodies
12:40 PM – Choledochoscopy: A Key Technique for Managing Biliary DIsease
12:48 PM – Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM:
Current Treatment Options for Rare Diseases (SMAS, MALS, and More)
Session Chairs: Omar Ghanem & Melina Vassiliou
Foregt, General Surgery
Grand Ballroom B
This session is aimed to help the surgeon appreciate the comprehensive approach in working up a patient with refractory epigastric pain, distention, nausea and vomiting. SMA syndrome and MALS are rare entities but are still encountered in many specialty surgical practices. The session will focus on the work up and algorithmic approaches to managing these disease entities as well as describing the associated surgical techniques and potential complications.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Appreciate the extended work up for patients with refractory epigastric pain.
- Portray the surgical technique options for SMA syndrome.
- Demonstrate the different approaches for a proper median arcuate ligament release.
- Display potential complications from these surgeries.
12:00 PM – Introduction
12:05 PM – SMA Syndrome in the Twenty Twenties: Treatment Algorithm
12:14 PM – SMA Syndrome: Duodenojejunostomy or More?
12:23 PM – Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome: How to Do a Proper Release?
12:31 PM – Recurrent or Refractory MALS: A Surgical Problem?
12:40 PM – Median Arcuate Ligament Release: When Catastrophes Happen
12:49 PM – Q&A
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS32: Colorectal Cancer Session II-Promenade 104A
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS33: Bariatric Spotlight Session IV – Promenade 104BC
SS34: Foregut Spotlight Session II – Promenade 102ABC
SS35: Hernia Potpourri Session – Promenade101AB
SS36: Education / Simulation Session – Promenade 104A
SS37: Acute Care Session – Grand Ballroom B
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Scientific Sessions
SS38: Bariatric Oral Session II – Promenade 104BC
SS39: Foregut Oral Session III – Promenade 102ABC
SS40: Hernia Inguinal Session – Promenade 101AB
SS41: Colorectal Surgery Techniques Session II – Promenade 104A
SS42: Redesigning Surgical Practice Session – Grand Ballroom B